Jan 30, 2022
With the Quodlibet established as a tavern, Our Heroes begin to welcome guests from their past AND future!
This is the final episode
of The Last City. Thank you for joining us on this incredible
Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/you_dont_meet_in_an_inn
You Don't Meet In An Inn:
Jan 9, 2022
It has been 10 years since Our Heroes defeated The Storm. They’ve now decided to set aside the adventurer’s life and begin anew as the Quodlibet becomes a traveling tavern!
Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/you_dont_meet_in_an_inn
Don't Meet In An Inn: https://youdontmeetinaninn.libsyn.com/
Dec 5, 2021
Our Heroes and their valiant crew have the Storm and its minions on
their last legs, but even if they do defeat it, what happens
Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/you_dont_meet_in_an_inn
Don't Meet In An Inn: https://youdontmeetinaninn.libsyn.com/
& Christine: https://twitter.com/notaninn
Nov 21, 2021
Losses on both sides continue to pile up as Our Heroes fight
desperately against The Storm and its minions. However, a lucky
break presents itself. Will they be able to exploit it?
Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/you_dont_meet_in_an_inn
Don't Meet In An Inn: https://youdontmeetinaninn.libsyn.com/
Nov 7, 2021
Our Heroes continue their fierce battle against the Storm and its
Sparked minions! Losses are great on both sides, and Madam V has
some truly atrocious luck! Again!
Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/you_dont_meet_in_an_inn
Don't Meet In An Inn: https://youdontmeetinaninn.libsyn.com/
& Christine: