Apr 28, 2018
Austin will be bringing his mecha focused Blades In The Dark hack to Twitch for playtesting and entertainment! He and 4 players will be streaming on Tuesdays at 6pm EST starting May 8, 2018.
Join them at https://www.twitch.tv/you_dont_meet_in_an_in
Mar 21, 2018
Hey everyone! Beam Saber V0.23 is now live! The change log for this version is in the attached image. The big highlights are the Session Zero (including lines, veils, and the X-card), Rivals, and Allies sections. https://docs.google.com/document/d/14uhsdQIyMEoKEx0jGcE9eXIEm0R3MYv6uRCafKINa2k/edit?usp=sharing
Mar 3, 2018
Hello everyone,
For the past couple of months Austin has been working on Beam Saber which is a mech/vehicle focused hack of Blades in the Dark. It's a game about trying to survive the War, because your actions feel so small in the grand scheme of things. There's no way you can defeat the enemy nations, they're just too...
Nov 7, 2017
Unknown Armies Third Edition has the players make a conspiracy board before the game starts as a form of setting creation. Now that the story has blossomed a bit here's the one we made for our game!
Here's a link to the images that we gathered to choose from to build the board. There were so many great concepts that we...
Oct 8, 2017
Christine made two posters for our new series since it features the return of fan favourites Abigail Archer and Galatea "Gail" West.