Nov 2, 2014
The hunter and the hunted clash in the final playthrough of It
Came From Somewhere Else.
GM Austin Ramsay takes Jas Ahluwalia, Christine Blight, Tristan
Clark, and Will Walsh deep into the woods to fight for everything
they hold deer.
'It Came From Somewhere Else' was written by CrazyHarlequin and
collaborators from...
Oct 26, 2014
Beelzebuck continues to ravage our young coeds in the second
part of our playthrough of 'It Came From Somewhere Else'.
GM Austin Ramsay takes Jas Ahluwalia, Christine Blight, Tristan
Clark, and Will Walsh deep into the woods to fight for everything
they hold deer.
'It Came From Somewhere Else' was written by...
Oct 19, 2014
They're just five college and/or high school students going up
to an old abandoned campground in the woods!
I have a really good feeling about this.
GM Austin Ramsay takes Jas Ahluwalia, Christine Blight, Tristan
Clark, and Will Walsh deep into the woods to fight for everything
they hold deer.
Gameplay begins at...